Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Coogy: Shakespeare - Son Of Macbeth; Alas Poor Ghost (5 of 5)

If you are the kind of person who checks dates, then you might have noticed that the above Sunday is actually two weeks after the previous episode; that's because the intervening weekend was Christmas, when all good comic strip creators are expected to produce a seasonal strip to make their audience warm and fuzzy. Here's how my dad solved the discontinuity:


Eric Noble said...

Well Bill, I'm afraid that them's the breaks. It's too bad that even the work of the Bard is susceptible to Hollywood's bastardization. Wonderful as always.

p spector said...

It seems components of "the work of the Bard" has been borrowed from forever, by many. Timeless stuff.

As always, thanks for your thoughts and for checking in.

Ger Apeldoorn said...

Great stuff!!

p spector said...

Thanks Ger!